SSL Certificate Checker Creation

Create an SSL Certificate Check

  1. Navigate to Synthetics
  2. Select Create a synthetic monitor
  3. Select Create an HTTP monitor
  4. Enter Name: SSL Certificate Checker - URL that you’re checking
  5. Select Add HTTP Request
  6. Enter “https://” then the URL in the request URL field
  7. Enter the URL in the Name field
  8. Select Add HTTP request
ssl cert creation
  1. Scroll down to Adapt request timeout, turn on the toggle and enter 60 seconds
  2. Select Next
  3. Set frequency to On-Demand
  4. Select Yale - Central Campus for the location
  5. Select Next
  6. Select Create HTTP monitor
  7. Select Add tag
    1. Key: SSL# (number of days until expiration that you want to be notified on)
    2. Key: SSLCheckConfig3
    3. Key: SupportLevel Value: 9x5
    4. Key: [ITSM]Integration
    5. Key: [ITSM]AssignmentGroup Value: Assignment Group name
    6. Key: [ITSM]BusinessService Value: Business Service name
SSL Cert tags example

Additional Notes for testing:

Synthetic checks run every day at mid-night. If you wish to test your configuration add the tag ‘SSLCheckConfigTEST’ (similar to step 7b). These test runs run every 5 minutes. Once you validate everything is working, please remove the ‘SSLCheckConfigTEST’ tag so that unneccesary checks and costs are not run every 5 minutes.

To validate please use this Data Explorer view. This will show you results for any SSL Certificate Checker run in the past 30 minutes.